Detecting Dust Mites

Dust mites could be a source of allergens in your home and detecting them is the first step to control. There are a few dust mite detection kits commercially available, and this article will focus on commonly used detection methods for dust mites.

Detection Kits

Several of the dust mite detection kits measure the presense of dust mite allergens inside of samples collected from all around in the home. The combined collected samples, with indicator chemical agents, tell the user about the infestation levels in the home. The dust mite detection kit we recommend is very easy to use and only takes one hour to produce results. The kit also has a visual representation of your dust mite infestation level through has a color scale that indicates if you have a mild or severe dust mite problem. The price for this detection is $99.95, but it's less expensive than a lot of the detection kits that we've seen.


The dust mite detection method described here is a bit more complicated than the method described above in the section labeled "detection kits". A person can detect the presence of dust mites by putting a small amount of dust on the surface of water then examining it under 10x magnification with a microscope. The reason a microscope is needed is because dust mites are too small to be seen with the naked eye. Using this method requires sufficient technical knowledge and a microscope with the required magnification.